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Hearing Health Quiz

There are many ways to tell if your hearing is impaired. In most cases, the best approach is for one of our audiologists to provide you with a thorough hearing test at one of our convenient Northern California hearing centers, located in such communities as Oakland, Sacramento, and Stockton.

To help you get some idea of your level of hearing loss, please take a few minutes to fill out our hearing loss quiz. When you click "Submit" at the bottom of the page, you'll receive a personalized score that will allow you to compare your results with those of others. When completing the questionnaire, please do not take into account any hearing aids or other devices you may use to help you hear better.

Your Symptoms

1. Do you experience constant ringing in one or both ears?

Yes, and it is very noticeable
Yes, but it is only noticeable in quieter settings
No, this never happens
Not sure

2. Do your ears hurt or drain fluid?

Yes, very often
Yes, sometimes
Not sure

3. Does one of your ears hear better than the other?

Yes, most of the time
Yes, only occasionally
Not sure

4. Do you have trouble determining where sounds come from?

Yes, in most settings
Yes, only in certain settings
Not sure

Your Perceptions

5. Do many of the people you talk with seem to mumble?

Yes, in most settings
Yes, only occasionally
Not sure

6. Do you often think "my hearing is not as good as it used to be?"

Yes, most of the time
Yes, sometimes
Not sure

7. Does it seem like people do not speak as clearly as they used to?

Yes, most of the time
Yes, sometimes
Not sure

8. Do you feel you have to strain to understand conversations?

Yes, most of the time
Yes, sometimes
Not sure

Friends and Family

9. Have family members and friends told you they think you might have hearing loss?

Yes, very often
Yes, occasionally
Not sure

10. Do you have difficulty hearing words spoken by your grandchildren (or other children)?

Yes, most of the time
Yes, sometimes
Not sure

11. Do friends or members of your family get frustrated and claim that you misunderstood what they said?

Yes, very often
Yes, sometimes
Not sure

12. Are you frequently asking your loved ones to repeat the things they say?

Yes, every day
Yes, but not that often
Not sure


13. Do you avoid social activities for fear that you will not be able to hear properly?

Yes, very often
Yes, occasionally
Not sure

14. Do you have trouble understanding the speakers at large gatherings?

Yes, most of the time
Yes, only occasionally
Not sure

15. Do you have trouble hearing conversations in a noisy background such as a crowded room or restaurant?

Yes, most of the time
Yes, sometimes
Not sure

16. Do you have difficulty following conversations when many people are talking at the same time?

Yes, most of the time
Yes, sometimes
Not sure


17. Do you have a problem hearing voices over the telephone?

Yes, during most calls
Yes, only sometimes
Not sure

18. Do you worry that you may not hear the telephone ring or doorbell?

Yes, most days
Yes, occasionally
Not sure

19. Do you listen to the TV at a loud volume, or have trouble understanding conversations on TV?

Yes, very often
Yes, occasionally
Not sure

20. Do you have a history of industrial or work related noise exposure, such as working in a factory or airport?

Yes, I have had repeated exposure to loud noise
Yes, but only for limited times in my life
Not sure

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